

Natural Healing The Natural Way


“The practice of Naturopathy means the science, art and practice of healing by natural methods.” 1

Naturopathic Medicine Practitioners emphasize a holistic approach to patient care.  They may recommend that patients use natural medicines and/or treatments with and alongside conventional medicine.  Naturopathy is a gentle and safe medicine which has its origins in Europe, Scandinavia, India, etc.  It is now practised thoughout the world.

How Can Naturopathic Medicine Help Me?

Good health and wellness is what your Naturopathic treatment is all about.  The main emphasis of Naturopathic practice is the belief that the body has an inbuilt ability to strive for health.  The role of a Naturopath is to work with you to promote natural healing in your body.  Naturopathy has an understanding that health is more than just the absence of disease – it is vitality, strength and much, much more.  The Naturopathic way will work to strengthen and enrich the body’s natural defences.

These are a few but not all of the conditions suitable for Naturopathic treatment:

  • Allergies of many types
  • Arthritic conditions
  • Asthma
  • Back pain and problems
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Skin condition – such as eczema etc.
  • Digestive complaints
  • Depression
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Menstrual and menopausal problems
  • Migraine
  • And many others conditions

Naturopathy is a system of healing that aims to provide holistic or whole body healthcare.  Through my skills you are assured of excellent results every time based on years of experience.

Please call or e-mail today to see how we can help you.

  1.  Chapter 373 Natureopathy –  Conneticut State Government

Testimonials …

“I have been a pretty healthy person most of my life, so in 2015 when changes started happening to my body it was quite a surprise. I suffered Anaemia severely needing an iron transfusion and nearly going into premature labour.

Fatigue is a natural part of motherhood, but as time progressed this fatigue became unmanageable deeming me unable to play with my children, I would get the days essentials done with the minimal energy I had and then I rested when I could.

In 2016, I began waking with chronic pain throughout my body some mornings unable to walk, I remember my Nanna telling me she would need to thaw out in the mornings so I just told myself this was a factor of getting older, I began taking regular anti-inflammatory medicine to manage the pain. By 2017 the pain was so extreme it was continual throughout the day with no reprieve, I had began to get intense headaches that would last up to 5 days with a days grace before getting another intense headache which would last just as long, I was taking 2 to 6 anti-inflammatory tablets a day to help the pain but it didn’t even take the edge off.

I would feel sick in my stomach and have irregular bowel movements suffering from constipation or chronic diarrhoea. Every inch of my body hurt like it was one big bruise and the condition had become debilitating preventing me from working and looking after my children in some cases. I went to see a doctor as I felt something was awfully wrong with my body and was admitted to hospital for MRI scans, lumber puncture, and blood tests, finding no sinister cause of my condition I was sent home and continued to see a neurologist and immunologist over the next 18 months continuing blood tests and in depth MRI scans.

In that time they had diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia with early onset of Lupus and chronic migraines, to hear they were incurable was devastating and I accepted this life as my new normal with much resistance.  I was prescribed chemo drugs, epilepsy drugs, anti-depressants to mask the mechanisms of my body, all of which carried their own side effects such as chronic fatigue, blindness, and nausea. I wasn’t feeling better or even improving, I had no quality of life and was in survival mode still needing to work and mother my children.

I gave up seeing specialists late 2018 when I was told I needed a test which would require me to drink fluid which would make me radioactive and I wouldn’t be allowed near my children, this wasn’t even a possibility for me. By this stage I had accepted this was the way I would feel for the rest of my life and to do the best I could listening to my body’s needs.

My Auntie made an appointment to see Peter at the end of 2018, I was very skeptical that anything would work or maybe I just didn’t want to get my hopes up again, but I had nothing to lose.  I began drinking Peters Herbs and side effects began within 24 hours, these were good side effects though as my body was self healing, I knew it would get worse before it got better and my body began what I believe was detoxing. I had two very intense fibromyalgia flare ups within a week of each other, I was in a world of pain and I couldn’t move. But as each week progressed so did my body toward wellness, my migraines became more spaced out to the point I don’t remember my last headache.

I have lost 10kg, majority of that was fluid expelled from my body as the inflammation dissipated.

It has been 2 months since beginning the herbs and I continue with them but I don’t feel pain in my body anymore, I get up in the morning with energy, I sleep better as the chronic pain is no longer there, my anxiety has shifted and gone, I have energy to focus on my family without the background noise of chronic pain.

I cant begin to thank Peter and my Auntie enough, the gratitude I feel for these two people is exponential, I feel like I have been given a second chance to live my fullest life and I intend to.”

Natalie M.
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